Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Creating our Mise-en-scene

Process of creating our Mise-en-scene

Final result

Group members: Alice Davies, Menna Jones, Billy Lafferty, Viktorija Smidtaite.

Our Mise-en-scene inspired travel tickets, which Billy brought as an object that says something significant about his family. We all came to conclusion that travel is the one thing that we all did and enjoyed as a kids.
We started talking what countries we have visited and what we liked about them, but basically I am myself from abroad so I told them a story, how my family every summer used to go on holidays to my grandmothers sisters house near “Vistytis” lake in Lithuania. That is where the idea to create house came from. We used travelling tickets for the house and blue scarf to create a lake, which is in the middle of photograph. Colours on the blue sheet look like reflections on the lake from red background.

Lucy and Menna spoke how they love reading books while they are traveling, so we used small books, which also is fairy-tales and this represents childhood memories. Moreover that opened book is ripped, because it shows that our Mise-en-scene is just indistinct memory and we do not remember everything from our childhood travels. Alice placed fan and sunglasses that are from her last holiday.

I believe that the most astonishing thing in our Mise-en-scene is light from the background, which looks like sunset. The idea to create the colours of the sunset came from two things. First, I mentioned that while staying in that lake house every evening we used to go to watch sunset and also Billy spoke about his trip to Australia. To create sunset colours in the background we used coloured plastic paper and lighting straight behind the backdrop. To lighten our Mise-en-scene we used light from the side.

During the process we tried replace the sheet with just blue paper, we swapped some objects and tried different lighting, but I believe that the final result of our Mise-en-scene is colourful and deeply thoughtful.

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