Due to the fact that my objects represent my past memories with my portrait I wanted to show the present. Me and my sister currently are living together now and all the things that happened to me in the past she had to experience them as well. Inspired by deadpan portraits and Maja Daniels project 'Twins' in my final image I wanted to show how we interact naturally. The final portrait is not staged, it is just us being. I chose to shoot in the living room, because that is the room where we are spending our time together. Contrary to my childhood memories here we share our stories, we talk with each other, TV is no longer centre of conversations.
At first I tried couple shots just with myself on different sofas in the living room.
And when my sister came back from trip to Lithuania I took couple with her as well.
To take my final shot I used tripod, wide lens, flash and remote control with 2 second timer, so that I would be less conscious of the fact that we are taking pictures and to show how we naturally behave while spending our time together.
In this shot we are not only look alike, but our body language is similar too. Here we are not alone, my sister's daughter came in too. I did not wanted to change anything, so I let her stay and it brought more life and action into the shot. Now my niece is inseparable part of our life, so I believe that to remove her from the shot wouldn't have been right.
To take my final object shot I went back to the studio, just this time instead of black table I used tablecloth to give more home feeling. I placed the items on the edge of the table and enlightened them from one side. Also to show more of the objects I used more narrow aperture to get more greater depth of field and shot from the higher point of view.